Advantages of Laser Processing Ceramic Substrates

The advantages of laser processing ceramic substrate PCB:
1. Since the laser is small, the energy density is high, the cutting quality is good, the cutting speed is fast;
2, narrow slit, save materials;
3, the laser processing is fine, the cut surface is smooth and burble;
4, the heat affected area is small.
The ceramic substrate PCB is relatively glass fiberboard, which is easily broken, and the process technology is relatively high, and therefore, laser punching techniques are usually employed.
Laser punching technology has high precision, fast speed, high efficiency, large-scale batch punch, suitable for most hard, soft materials, and has advantages such as non-loss of tools, in line with high-density interconnection of printed circuit boards, fine Development requirements. The ceramic substrate using the laser punching process has the advantage of ceramic and metallic binding force, no fallfoil, bubble, etc. The range is 0.15-0.5mm, and even fine to 0.06mm.